Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nothing Better than Following God's Lead.

Without making Francis Chan an idol or making him seem better than other Christians, more Christians should follow his example. I'm not saying every pastor should quit, but his humility and willingness to leave a job that was secure and dependable is astounding. He felt like he was in the spotlight, so he got out. He made sure that Jesus is first. 

What makes me laugh about this article is that the author keeps on bringing up the fact that he did not leave because of scandal. The sad thing is that for the most part, that's the only reason why famous pastors leave their churches. Anyway, don't put your pastor on a pedestal. If he's a great speaker, awesome. It's because God gifted him that way. The most important thing is that he is constantly pointing toward Jesus. Don't base a church off of its pastor, but of its devotion to Jesus.

Here's the article, check it out.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, at first I was shocked, but then I thought about all the things he preached about and then I thought, no that makes sense, he would do that.... in fact, in one of his messages he said that he didnt know if he was a strong enough Christian to be able to live in the wealthiest nation and not get trapped by riches... he said if he was becoming too tempted or if God wanted him to go, then he would go
