Friday, December 17, 2010

The Greatest of Ships are Friendships...

Highlights of my semester:
(no particular order)

-My brother's wedding.
-15-5 Moody Soccer Record.
-Zack and Kristin's Christmas Party.
-Dr. Litfin entering the Snuggle Pad.
-Grabbing Wall.
-Finishing finals alive.

One of my biggest struggles this semester was not jumping into different friend groups every week. I know a lot of people on campus, and while that is really cool, I'd rather have 3 really close friends than know 1500 names. Whenever I start to become vulnerable in a group I tend to jump ship and sail another flag. This started to change at the end of the semester when I was feeling like I found where I belonged. Now Christmas break has hit and I'm going off alone. It's gonna make me appreciate the friends I have even more now. 

"A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." -Proverbs 18:24
I want more nights like the night at Zack and Kristin's apartment. I want more honesty and openness between FRIENDS. Don't give me jib-jab and small talk, I want to share my heart with you. Community like that needs to be regular not random. I could use something like that daily not monthly. I want to love my friends which means I need to open up as well. 
I have 3 weeks to prepare my heart before the Lord to come back refreshed, alive, and ready to be a good friend to those who matter to me. Pray that I would be in God's Word constantly over break. Remind me to pray for you if you are hurting. Finally, talk to me over break, I don't care about what, just stay in touch. I may be on the other side of the world, but love has no limits so reach far.

1 comment:

  1. Sam. Best night of the semester right there. So much fun.
