Thursday, April 7, 2011


I don’t know if you are like me, but if you are, then you know that you get distracted easily. Many times these distractions happen during conversations and your mind goes off on a rabbit trail.

A good friend comes up to you and says, “My sister is in town this weekend, and I was wondering if you know of somewhere cool to eat? Maybe, Portillo’s, Bacci’s...”

Portillo’s. That place has some good cake shakes. Speaking of cake, wasn’t it Bill’s birthday yesterday? Aw man! I totally forgot he’s gonna be so mad at me.”

“Sam. Sam. Hello?”

“Oh, sorry, yeah, did you get Bill a birthday present yesterday?”

Fail. This happens to me all the time. I genuinely care about what people have to say to me, yet I still rabbit trail out of consciousness. Then, I totally change the subject because that’s all I can think about. This is not only a problem with my conversations with people, but also my prayers to GOD.

GOD, you are a great GOD. YOU’ve been so good to me, more than I deserve. The chapel message really made me want to serve YOU more wholeheartedly.  The music in chapel today was so good. What was the name of that second song we sang? I don’t remember exactly, but it is definitely one of my new favorite songs. I’d be fine singing that song every chapel, actually. Hopefully, they don’t do it tomorrow though because I’m thinking about skipping chapel. How many cuts do I even have left? Probably plenty. I don’t remember cutting too many times...

This literally happens to me when I’m praying. I start off good, then I get selfish. This is why I find writing so important in my life. Writing takes time and effort. Words don’t just fly off my finger tips and onto paper. I have to process through them, edit them, finalize them. I want my writing to be perfect. But how come my conversations are not that way? Why can’t I stay focused in conversations?

I think most of it is due to being selfish in conversations. I want people to hear my thoughts, my opinions on the subject, but instead I hold them in my head and find little rabbit trails to occupy my thoughts. So instead of listening, I’m planning what I have to say next. How cool can I make this next statement? Quick, Sam, think of something witty to say. This is the biggest problem I have.

So how do I learn to listen? How can I be less selfish in my conversations? Prayer. Maybe not even my own prayers, but prayers focused on GOD and who HE is. GOD listens to my prayers no matter how scatter-brained they are. But I need to give GOD my first-fruits, not my leftovers. Because if we have a proper view of GOD, selfishness cannot exist. If I see GOD for who HE is: loving, kind, gracious, just, righteous, holy, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, merciful, wrathful, beautiful, then I will honestly be humbled and be able love others just as GOD loves me.

Another example of being distracted has been during this week of “Assassins.” I haven’t taken time out of my day to spend time with GOD because I’m worried about killing my next target and not dying. Distractions are most detrimental to myself when they start replacing GOD.

So I guess you can pray for me, that I can stay focused on GOD because that’s what it all comes down to. It’s like this great hymn says,

Turn your eyes upon JESUS
Look full in HIS wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of HIS glory and grace.

Again, God is the only ONE that keeps me from being selfish because through HIM, I finally see how unnecessary I am. This reality humbles me and causes me to view others the way GOD sees them... with love. This will change my conversation habits, my trailing thoughts, and my inept prayers. I can’t focus on my own, I need GOD’s help.

Show me what sins hide THEE from me
and eclipse THY love;
Help me to humble myself for past evils,
to be resolved to walk with more care,
For if I do not walk holily before THEE,
how can I be assured of my salvation?
-Valley of Vision (The Divine Will).

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