Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stop Being Sam.

Stop being Sam and start becoming like Jesus. That's what God told me today. That's why He had me work the Legacy Conference which this afternoon I was dreading because I was unbelievably tired.

Francis Chan spoke tonight from what seemed the very mind of God. God used his words to speak exactly what I needed to hear. The phrase that really convicted me was, "Don't let reputation become more important than character." I lie to people. I act like I know what I'm talking about only to get that person to like me. I do this in everything from music to movies to favorite authors. I could honestly have no idea what I'm talking about, but in order to gain your friendship I will lie and tell you so half-baked lie that seems OK in my mind.

I've grown up hearing the phrase "just be yourself." The problem isn't necessarily reputation for me, but identity crisis. Yes, the horrid question, "Who am I?" When I'm around certain people, I change my personality to fit in. What bothers me most about this is that I feel like I'm lying to people about who I really am, but in reality I didn't know who I was. Francis Chan answer that question from God's Word tonight. It says in Philippians that was need to be imitators of Christ and that's when it hit me. We aren't supposed to "be ourself;" we are supposed to be like Christ. It's not about finding our identity, because if we are in Christ, He is our identity. He's my identity.

My fear of dislike from other people isn't solved by finding out who I really am, but understanding that my identity is in Christ. With that being said, Francis Chan also said that Christians under persecution are closer to God than any other time. So, I need to expect people to not like me because I'm in Christ. Luke 21:17 says, "You will be hated by all for my name's sake." If I don't have any enemies, it means I'm doing something wrong. Romans says that the Gospel is an offense and a stumbling block. I need opposition to trust God more. 

In the end, God taught me a lot tonight. This was something I really needed to hear. I need to stop trying to become myself and start becoming like Christ. I don't need to lie anymore because in Him my identity lies.


  1. Bravo, son! Good stuff! Been praying for you, wish you were here with the rest of the crew. God is always preparing you for the future. Keep walking the walk!


  2. Awesome, bro... "My fear of dislike from other people isn't solved by finding out who I really am, but understanding that my identity is in Christ." Right on.

    I'm stoked for this coming year!
