Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dealing with the Trite.

Ever had that day when you know if someone does one more little thing that irks you off, you are going to just flip out? Like a volcano of emotions about to erupt on the pedestrians climbing its base. Dealing with the trite can be easy at first, but as time moves along, it almost feels like its too hard to contain.

I feel like I've been disrespected too many times, and it's time for vengeance. Well, that's a terrible idea on my part because there are many things that are pointless to get angry about: people who cut in front of you, the guy who chews too loud, rogue unicorns, the guy who holds the pound key on your phone for a really long time, that person who doesn't respond even though they've answered the last 3 you've sent, and the like.

Sure, it'd be easy to just whack them upside the head for doing something that's annoying, but there's many things in my life that I know annoy others with. Getting upset over little things won't get you far in life, but it will give you a black eye (not from experience).

So don't throw a hissy fit when your co-worker, roommate, or student group member does something (alot) that gets under your skin. You wanna know why? Because Jesus could've punched about 300 Pharisees in the face during ministry, but restraint. Being a Christian is about becoming more like Jesus; game, set, match. Better yet, heap burning coals upon their heads by baking them something delicious. That's what the Bible says to do.

Smell ya later,

A fun little video.

when the fights go down in the city.

Hello (enter name) __________

Tonight at my Men's Soccer game in Lincoln Park, there was a brawl. Pretty legit. The dude on the other team got upset because my teammate fouled him. The dude got up in my teammate's face, so my teammate pushed him back. The guy came back angrier and looked like he was going to punch my teammate, so my teammate literally beat him to the punch and clocked him square in the nose. Then the all hell broke loose. Before I knew it, there was a pile of grown men fighting each other. Of course I was throwing down too. When I say throwing down, I mean I was watching from a distance because I was on the other side of the field when it happened. Needless to say, I would've back my teammates had anything escalated more.

This whole ordeal got me thinking about what I would fight for and what's worth it. I'm a super scrappy player, but rarely, and by rarely I mean spider monkey rarely, will you see me get mad at someone, especially mad enough to fight. But let's say some guy punched a girl, we'll just say they don't call me "Furious Fists" for no reason.

For me to fight someone I would have to be angry. Really angry. Though that doesn't happen often, there should be somethings that we should be willing to fight for. Jesus fought for the Father when He flipped the money changers tables for desecrating the Temple. Holiness and justice are the things we should be willing to fight for. To fight for something doesn't necessarily mean throw punches, but it does mean we need to stand up for it. If someone started cursing God's name, should that provoke anger within us, or do we passively let it happen without a second thought? I'm not saying we should jack that guy up in the nose, but show God some respect and let the guy know who he's really cursing. I mean seriously, "if God is for us, who can be against us." Who is going to mess with God Almighty? Stand up for things you love: God, family, friends, teammates. Things that matter. Don't go kicking a guy in the gut for making fun of Apple computers. There's a time and a place.

So next time you are out and about, and you hear someone telling lies about God, your family, or friends, stick up for them. Because love isn't about sitting back and having everyone like you. Love is an action and actions mean doing something. So stand up for your friends, even when they are not around.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Papendorf Wedding

Today was Dave and Sara's wedding. It was fantastic. The wedding was outdoors in a beautiful area behind a mansion in Joliet, IL. The wedding itself was put together beautifully and everything went smoothly. Both Dave and Sara cried at least a little bit when they were up there. Dave looked so happy just about all the time.

The reception was in the mansion which was pretty sweet. The mansion looked like an old southern plantation farm house. Pretty neat design. The reception was a ton of fun, a great break from working this summer. Dancing, laughing, picture taking. You know, all that jazz. We got to see a couple of old friends that we hadn't seen since school got out. Overall solid day. Although Thad's dancing didn't make it any better, but luckily Kyle was there to make up for it.

Giving college kids bird seed may not have been the best idea, but again, it was fun. This was my first wedding this summer, so this has gotten me really excited about my brother's wedding in September (of which I'm the best man). Weddings are a ton of fun now that I'm older, when you're a kid, you don't really care. Well, only 2 weeks until preseason and school. w00t.
The wedding location.

Kate, Sarah, and Christina

Dave being excited.

you may kiss the bride.

Fire in Jenkins.

Last night there was a really serious fire in Jenkins Hall. What seemed like 30 firetrucks and ambulances were there. The news report said there was over 200 firecrew and paramedics.

Tyler and I were coming back from a late night run to McDonalds when we saw a bunch of firetrucks an ambulances going north up Clark. When we got to LaSalle we saw they were at Jenkins, so we went up there to check it out.

When we got there we were talking to some of the students and most of them didn't expect it to be as serious as it turned out to be. Rumor was that a meteor hit Jenkins Hall, but that theory was quickly the fire. Turns out it was an electrical fire.

Pray for Moody for cleanup, finances, and the work power to get Jenkins back up and running. The cleanup crews have been working since 3:30 this morning and still aren't done. I put up a few pictures and videos on Facebook, so check it out.

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